Specific Phobias

Understanding Specific Phobias

Symptoms and Impact

Specific phobia is an anxiety disorder that involves an excessive and unrealistic fear of a particular situation, place, object, or event. People can have all sorts of different phobias, which leads to either avoidance of the feared object or situation or to extreme distress when facing the fear. Common phobias include:

  • Needles, injections, blood
  • Travel by airplane
  • Animals (insects, dogs, snakes, spiders)
  • Heights, storms, water
  • Small enclosed spaces, elevators
  • Driving, bridges
  • Dental/medical procedures
  • Choking or Vomiting

Most everyone is fearful of some situations, particularly since some things are naturally more unpleasant. For example, few people enjoy getting a shot, having blood drawn, or going to the dentist, and it is quite common for many people to dislike insects, snakes, or spiders. However, people with a specific phobia are not only terrified of a feared situation or object, they also find that their lives are significantly affected by their fear. For example, someone with a phobia of needles might avoid getting necessary medical tests, someone with a dental phobia might avoid going to the dentist even if they are experiencing significant tooth pain, and someone with a choking or vomiting phobia might avoid eating solid foods.

A branch with light pink cherry blossoms in full bloom against a white background.